How to write a briefing paper
Drama Essay Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
George Balanchines Influence on Ballet in America essays
George Balanchines Influence on Ballet in America papers George Balanchine was conceived in 1904 in St. Petersburg, Russia. He started his preparation in expressive dance at nine years old at the St. Petersburg Royal Theater School, and by 1921, he had graduated with distinction and was showing up the State Theater of Opera and Ballet. His dad was a writer, so Balanchine was constantly encircled by music and move from youth. One biographer notes, Profoundly respected by both instrumental instrumentalists and conductors as one of the most melodic choreographers within recent memory, Balanchine was the child of an arranger (Teck 15). Moreover to his moving, Balanchine likewise played piano, and went to the Petrograd Center of Music, where he learned arrangement and other forming methods. He formed music before he started movement, and this foundation helped his undertakings. His official life story notes, Such broad melodic preparing made it feasible for Balanchine as a choreographer to speak with an author of the height of Stravinsky; it likewise enabled him to make piano decreases of symphonic scores, a priceless guide in making an interpretation of music into move (Editors). Balanchine left Russia for a visit in 1924, and stayed away forever. He invested energy in London, and came to America in 1933, following a few effective long stretches of arranging in Europe. American expressions benefactor Lincoln Kirstein, who trusted to build up a vital American expressive dance organization, selected him. Balanchine chose a school was fundamental first, and the two established the School of American Ballet in 1934. This was the little start of a artful dance development in America that despite everything exists today. The School of American artful dance despite everything exists, and Balanchine's impact is still felt in artful dance In 1935, Balanchine and Kerstein made their first expressive dance organization, the American Ballet. The troupe didn't effectively visit, yet it did become the occupant expressive dance organization of the New York... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Manager Interviews Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Supervisor Interviews - Essay Example One of the most well-known systems utilized to date incorporates the subjective research techniques, the quantitative research strategy, and the blended research strategies (McBride, 2005). Brilliantine, is among the organizations under examination, and postures as a firm, working with the gathering of three primary classes of calls from its customers. After convincingly meeting not just the firms’ chief, Mrs. Sutton Banks, yet in addition different administrators of the firm, unmistakably the administrations rendered incorporate, crisis calls, which would lie considered as the most crucial of the considerable number of firms tasks, as they result to having the firms’ specialists being on the telephone, for a normal time of thirty minutes. This anyway goes further to lie spread over to a more prominent number of calls, whereby the client, the client’s family, or even the neighbors are on occasion associated with the whole calling system. Specialized enquiries, ju st as consolation calls, are additionally part of the development that the firm comprises and works with (Esty, 2006). Then again, I gained from my examination that, a spa managers’ work is one of the most requesting places that one could take up today. The thriving spa industry offers one the chance to participate in methodology that carry with them prizes, energy and, above all, extraordinary expectation and commendable outcomes. In any case, with this comes the opposite side of spas that numerous individuals may will in general know next to no about. From my meeting with the director of one well known spa around that I visited, I discovered that notwithstanding holding this to some degree wanted position, a great deal accompanies bearing that job. It is clear that with that exceptionally requesting position as a spa administrator, the pickle of requirement for more help as far as good help and direction, just as preparing of staff is a significant misfortune whenever neede d. What's more, it is likewise a fundamental factor, if the spa is to act in understanding to the set principles (Plunkett, 2012). Innovation in business is fundamental in light of the fact that without it issues, for example, globalization, productive correspondence with clients, security, just as effectiveness of tasks would not lie figured it out. Yearly tradeshows offering merchant backing to vendors and voyage motivating force trip for top performing sellers have additionally remained done in an offer to improve its dealer’s relations (Esty, 2006). In addition, I discovered that, similar to some other administration position, to be a fruitful spa director, one will in general grow more regarding accomplishment of the spa, as well, with increasingly pertinent instruction and experience that will in general location their fundamental abilities as well as business aptitudes too. A settled spa, for example, the one shrouded in my exploration, joins different capacities that may not really be autonomous (McBride, 2005). Among different offices that should lie considered similarly significant is the money office. This what, by the day's end, the supervisor, and the administrative group depend on to uncover any pay or conceivable misfortune where it applies. Just to make reference to a couple of jobs of this division, it deciphers all the money related reports and furnishes mastery on issues worried about the general income against the costs brought about. This office is likewise fundamentally worried about organization of staff and planning of customers to guarantee most extreme income age and productivity also (Plunkett, 2012). Exhaustive research involves a cautious inquiry of a topic so as to
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Personality Style
Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Personality Style GAD Diagnosis Print Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Personality Style By William Meek Updated on October 01, 2019 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Kelly Knox/Stocksy United Anxiety and personality style are sometimes linked. Anxiety can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors. Sometimes anxiety is like a little pinch that can propel you to do something youve been avoiding, and sometimes it can be an overwhelming crush of terror. But most of the time it is somewhere in between. There is an array of explanations for what causes generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). One that gets overshadowed by biological explanations is that anxiety can be a learned style for how someone deals with feelings and the world. What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Some people develop GAD as a child while others do not see symptoms until they are an adult. Either way, living with GAD can last a long time. In many cases, it occurs along with other anxiety or mood disorders. In most cases, it improves with medications or talk therapy (psychotherapy). Making lifestyle changes, learning coping skills and using relaxation techniques also can help. Symptoms of GAD GAD symptoms can include: Persistent worrying or obsession with small or large concerns thats out of proportion to the impact of the eventInability to set aside or let go of a worryInability to relax, restlessness, and feeling keyed up or on edgeDifficulty concentrating, or the feeling that your mind goes blankWorrying about excessively worryingDistress about making decisions for fear of making the wrong decisionCarrying every option in a situation all the way out to its possible negative conclusionDifficulty handling uncertainty or indecisiveness Physical signs and symptoms may include: FatigueIrritabilityMuscle tension or muscle achesTrembling, feeling twitchyBeing easily startledTrouble sleepingSweatingNausea, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndromeHeadaches Personality Style Although there may always be some biological/genetic influence in how psychological problems develop, exploring how a person first learned to deal with the world can also uncover contributing factors. If someone was taught either directly or indirectly that becoming anxious helps produce successful outcomes or is the default feeling to experience, anxiety could easily become part of a persons disposition in dealing with work, relationships, the future, etc. In this sense, anxiety can be thought of as a personality trait or even a personality style. Disguise for Other Feelings Anxiety can also often be experienced in place of other feelings. For most people, anxiety is part of experiencing fear. However, feelings that are uncomfortable or difficult to express can be transformed into anxiety. Three of the most common feelings that can be disguised by anxiety are anger, guilt, and grief. Many people struggle to absorb, process, express and understand these feelings and honor their intent (to express dislike, ask for forgiveness, accept a loss, etc.) In turn, they can become anxious about the same situations or things that may seem less deserving of attention (e.g. every detail of how an event will go). What Can Be Done People with these experiences, which include a subset of people with GAD, must look within themselves to see what real feelings exist and may be disguised by anxiety. They must also determine whether or not changing an uncomfortable part of their personality may be something to try. Both of these can become part of treatment for GAD, and you should ask your provider about these if they resonate with you. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Sex Education And Sexual Education Essay - 1326 Words
Social trends, public health interest, politics, and various polemics have always affected the essence and teaching of sex education in the United States in different ways. Various sexual education methods exits, however comprehensive and abstinence-only programs are the most commonly know in public schools. Although many schools in the United States prefer to give an abstinence-only lecture, the results shown proof that these programs are ineffective because it simply does not fit the reality we live in, comprehensive sex education works better, and they do not offer honest nor accurate information about human sexuality. Providing information regarding development of the human body, sexuality, and sex relations is what sex education programs accomplish; communicating with young people and assist them into making the correct decisions regarding sex and their sexuality. Future of Sex Education explains that sex education should include information in relation to puberty, reproduction, preventing sexual violence, and gender individuality appropriate to the student’s level and cultural background. Sexual Education has been taught in schools for nearly thirty-five years; since then the abstinence-only programs have existed as well. Adolescent Family Life Act (AFLA) is known for being the originator of today’s abstinence-only-until-marriage programs which goals were to avoid prenuptial teenage pregnancy through self-restraint, encourage adoption among pregnant teenagers, and toShow MoreRelatedSex Education And Sexual Education1253 Words  | 6 Pagesteach sexual education classes, or teach abstinence education classes? Pregnancy rates in America are slowly decreasing, but are still extremely high. According to K. F. Stanger-Hall (2011), Pregnancy rates in America are more than double the rates of other countries with 72.2% per 1000 girls between the ages of 15-19 becoming pregnant. The best way to lower teen pregnancy is to teach about prevention in schools with sex education or abstinence classes. Teenagers need to learn about sex so thatRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education991 Words  | 4 PagesCountless avenues shape our knowledge of sex; whether its teachers, parents, media, or other sources. At some point most individuals receive an account of sex education. These lessons, connections, and knowledge we acquire impact our ideas about sex. The subject of my interview, whom we’ll refer to as Jessica, was no exception. Jessica is a 21-year-old, who grew up in a small, conservative North Carolina town. The public schools she attended taught sex education from an abstinence perspective and usedRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education884 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"After a while, sex became a reality. It’s a lot harder to abstain when you’re actually in the moment, faced with that decision†(Stevens). Individuals encounter the reality of coming face to face with the temptations of intercourse; over time it becomes harder to sustain from joining the system. Students devour lust, but do not know how to co ntrol themselves and sex education provides substantial advice. With this in mind, sex education provides preparedness, answers questions, and creates awarenessRead MoreSexual Education And Sex Education1762 Words  | 8 Pagesimportance of sexual education and describe differences and similarities in some of the research done on this topic. Having sexual education available to youth is the key in reducing the number of unwanted situations in the sexual health of the individuals. Teaching adolescents about sex is beneficial because they become aware of consequence that might follow specific actions. This is a chance to ensure adolescents take safer routes when deciding to become sexually active. Youth sexual education has beenRead MoreSexual Education And Sex Education1358 Words  | 6 PagesDo Not Have Sex, You Will Get Pregnant Die (Mean Girls) What if a rapist was coming at someone? Do kids know what to do besides lie on the ground and cry? What if a teenager had an unplanned pregnancy? Do they know their options about abortion or adoption or keeping the baby? Will young adults know the results of their choices? Sexual education teaches all of the following, and kids in the curriculum are more likely to defend themselves in a plot when they were approached by a stranger (â€Å"TeachingRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education1632 Words  | 7 Pagessystems in the United states have been implementing sexual education into classrooms. Arguments are abundant when dealing with such fragile situations and there are many advantages and disadvantages of sexual education being taught in the public schools. It seems that most parents are either strongly for or against sex education classes, but there are a few parents that are on both sides. In fact, there are more parents that support sex education classes. However, there ar e pros and cons that mustRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education1365 Words  | 6 PagesSex education is and always has been lacking in our country. An increase in sexual education would be greatly appreciated from almost everybody, especially with how high the sexually transmitted disease rate has raised in the past twenty years. Sex education can be used to teach young people how to have safe sex and show them the scary truths of sex that they are never taught otherwise. To lower STD rates and raise pregnancy awareness in younger people, schools and parents should be teaching childrenRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education948 Words  | 4 Pagescomprehensive sex education taught in schools. One the other hand, the opponents believe that the reason for this decline is the sex education classes that teach about not having sex. Even when most schools are teaching abstinences only sex education about sixty-six percent of high school students says they are sexually active . Which concludes that the abstinences only sex education is not working and is not the proper way of teaching sex education in schools. Not teaching proper sex education may resultRead MoreSex Education And Comprehensive Sexual Education1609 Words  | 7 PagesLet s talk about sex. Stances on comprehensive sexual education vary, whether it be from religious beliefs or past experiences, different views are held throughout. It is in the interests of society in general... for every secondary school pupil to be in receipt of sexual education†(Cumper 16). The phrase ‘it’s better to be safe than sorry’ applies heavily on the topic of sex education, the idea of a pregnant and STD ridden 15 year old tends to frighten a million times more than the thought ofRead MoreSex Education : Comprehensive Sexual Education972 Words  | 4 PagesSex Education Comprehensive sexual education has long been a contentious issue within the United States of America. Owing largely to America’s history and culture, sexual education has long been stigmatized as unnecessary involvement in the private life, or even misattributed to rising rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. A U.S. review article, however, poses the opposite argument – â€Å"The overwhelming weight of evidence reveals that sex education which discusses contraception
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Last Supper Essay - 910 Words
The Last Supper The Last Supper was a very powerful Biblical event, in which Jesus and his disciples gathered for one final dinner together. According to the Bible, important events took place during the Last Supper, including an announcement by Jesus that one of his disciples would betray him and the first communion. To artists in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it was necessary to give proper deference to such notable occurrences. Both Leonardo da Vinci and Jacopo Robusti, known as Tintoretto, took upon the challenge of recreating the Last Supper. While Last Supper by da Vinci and Last Supper by Tintoretto are very similar in subject matter, they differ in composition, symbolism, and the choice of†¦show more content†¦Da Vinci has arranged the disciples into groups of three and tied all the groups together through their hand motions giving this piece a symmetrically aesthetic feeling. Your eye is taken on a journey through the oval-shaped composition of the piece, but it is clear that Jesus serves as the vital magnet. The Last Supper by Tintoretto is a beautiful Mannerist-style painting in which the painter creates a revolutionary type of composition. The piece’s surface plane now shoots in a diagonal motion and Jesus is noticeable only because of the light around his head. There is a feeling of unsure commotion throughout the figures as they lean into uncomfortable positions, such as the maid in the foreground. The figures also seem to blossom in light through a darkness of the background. The two brightest areas, Jesus and the light fixture, fight for the viewers attention and create a sense of uncertainty, perfecting what the Mannerist’s set out to accomplish. The use of symbolism in both Da Vinci’s and Tintoretto’s Last Supper is important to the interpretation of each piece. Da Vinci is the first known artist to place Judas, the disciple who betrays Jesus, on the same side of the table as Christ. This subtly symbolizes the trust that Jesus shared with his followers, and it is more realistic. By placing Christ in the center, as the focalShow MoreRelatedThe Last Supper By Sebastiano Ricci1234 Words  | 5 Pagesbring the joy. Fun in life or silence for the soul. In other words, painting is a language that communicates an artist s ideas and emotions based on the artist s painting techniques. The Last Supper by Sebastiano Ricci, an Italian artist, illustrates the biblical moment where Jesus and his disciples reunite for last time. Above all, the art’s balanced symmetry, composition, colors, and sharpness enhances the symbolic meaning of Ricci’s art work. Symmetry are often used in painting, although sometimesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Art Piece Name Yo Mama s Last Supper By Cox962 Words  | 4 PagesIn this essay I am going to conduct an â€Å"Australian Bushman†approach to analyze the art piece name Yo Mama’s Last Supper by Cox. Later on in the essay, I will include contextualization of the analysis. This art piece portrays a darker colored woman in the middle with twelve men sitting at the table, six men on each side. She is not wearing any sort of garments except for a simple white cloth around her spread out arms. All men are divided into three-men group based upon similar actions. The man immediateRead MoreThe Last Supper638 Words  | 3 PagesThe Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most famous works of art in the world. This painting represents the religious ceremony with Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples. This is the last meal that was shared between him and his disciples before his arrest and his untimely crucifixion. Leonardo was commissioned to execute the painting in the Dominican monastery of this Church by Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, scientist, architect, author, engineer, inventorRead MoreThe Last Supper2048 Words  | 9 PagesThe Last Supper – Research Essay The Last Supper is a religious scene in the Catholic bible, which tells the story of the last meal the night before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. An important role in its religion, the Last Supper scene has been recreated by artists many times. These visual interpretations of the event generally show Jesus, surrounded by his disciples. During the meal, Jesus breaks the bread and serves the wine accompanied with the command â€Å"Take this all of you and eat it†¦ thisRead MoreWhat is The Eucharist?1467 Words  | 6 PagesPassover. The symbolism of both rituals is deeply entwined; we remember, give thanks, worship, and renew our covenant with God. Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Although scholars are uncertain as to whether the Last Supper was the Passover meal, it â€Å"took place in the atmosphere of the Passover†. The Last Supper added a new dimension to the Jewish ritual meal, â€Å"in terms of what (or better who) was celebrated†. Jesus asked the disciples to â€Å"do this in memory of me†(1 Cor 11:24Read MoreThroughout The Bible, Jesus Is Known For Eating With The1458 Words  | 6 PagesJesus created a connection with the marginalized groups and spread the word of God. The last supper was the last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion. In my essay, I will discuss the painting The Sacrament of the Last Supper by Salvador Dalà . I will discuss how the painting shows the divinity of Jesus, displays Jesus, and interprets the last supper. The Sacrament of the Last Supper by Salvador Dali is a large painting in the National Gallery of Art. In the painting thereRead MoreAssemblage Art And The Arts At Ohio State University968 Words  | 4 PagesMichael Smooke Collection, its name is The Last Supper. Though I didn’t learn about assemblage, I was exposed to the relevance of one of the most historically significant paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper. This late 15th-century painting is a religion icon and depicts Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples at their last supper before Jesus was sent off to get crucified. I believe the piece of art I analyzed was clearly inspired by Leonardo’s The Last Supper due to the same name and key similaritiesRead MoreThe Prayer Of An Ecumenical Worship1634 Words  | 7 Pagesin today’s context the bread and the wine are a way of honoring the sacrifice upon the cross. The gap between the human life experience from the Last Supper to a Communion is difficult to bridge. Some believe that the bread and wine are a literal representation of Christ’s body. Others partake of Communion as a way to recreate a version of the Last Supper. Not to say that is a wrong way of interpreting the bible, but that the practice fai ls to understand the historical-critical perspective of whatRead MoreRenaissance : The Last Supper1418 Words  | 6 Pagesthe forefront of the Renaissance and change in the European society. Leonardo Da Vinci, also named Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, was one of the most famous of these Artists at this time, composing multiple pieces of art such as â€Å"The Last Supper.†â€Å"The Last Supper†by Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most reproduced, fascinating, and elegant paintings from the Renaissance. The original is 15 by 29 feet large, but multiple reproductions have smaller dimensions to be more compatible for spaces in museumsRead MoreThe New American Standard Bible965 Words  | 4 PagesScripture quoted in this paper is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), as it appears in the Comparative Study Bible, for the purpose of compliance with Bacone College’s Christian Ministry Degree program. The Lord’s Supper 14  ¶ When the hour had come, He reclined at the table, and the apostles with Him. 15 And He said to them, â€Å"I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I say to you, I shall never again eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God
Scarcity of Water Free Essays
Water scarcity involves water stress, water deficits, water shortage and water crisis. The concept of water stress is relatively new. Water stress is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use, because of depleting resources. We will write a custom essay sample on Scarcity of Water or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some have presented maps showing the physical existence of water in nature to show nations with lower or higher volumes of water available for use. Others have related water availability to population. A popular approach has been to rank countries according to the amount of annual water resources available per person. For example, according to the Falkenmark Water Stress Indicator a country or region is said to experience â€Å"water stress†when annual water supplies drop below 1,700 cubic metres per person per year. At levels between 1,700 and 1,000 cubic metres per person per year, periodic or limited water shortages can be expected. When water supplies drop below 1,000 cubic metres per person per year, the country faces â€Å"water scarcity†The United Nations’ FAO states that by 2025, 1. billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world population could be under stress conditionsThe World Bank adds that climate change could profoundly alter future patterns of both water availability and use,thereby increasing levels of water stress and insecurity, both at the global scale and in sectors that depend on waterAnother measurement, calculated as part of a wider assessment of water management in 2007,[6] aimed to rel ate water availability to how the resource was actually used. It therefore divided water scarcity into ‘physical’ and ‘economic’. Physical water scarcity is where there is not enough water to meet all demands, including that needed for ecosystems to function effectively. Arid regions frequently suffer from physical water scarcity. It also occurs where water seems abundant but where resources are over-committed, such as when there is overdevelopment of hydraulic infrastructure for irrigation. Symptoms of physical water scarcity include environmental degradation and declining groundwater. Water stress harms living things because every organism needs water to live. How to cite Scarcity of Water, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Wild Land Fires free essay sample
A discussion of the mechanisms for coping with wild land fires in the U.S. This paper presents a detailed examination of wild land fires. Means of managing the fires, including controlled burns, the use of technology for pattern prediction and the development of protective gear are outlined. Americans have spent the last few months watching wild land fires burn out of control in several states. Arizona, California and Colorado have all been ravaged with devastating and extremely expensive fires that went out of control and destroyed homes, property and wildlife. While firefighters from across the nation rushed to aid the local firefighters in those areas, the public watched the coverage unfold on television news channels. Wild land fires can be devastating for many reasons. They not only cause financial devastation and property destruction but they interfere with the ecological process by destroying wildlife and plant life. This paper attempts to explore wild land fires and the steps that are being taken to lessen their damaging impact by getting them contained more quickly. We will write a custom essay sample on Wild Land Fires or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
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